Why is there no WinSCP for the Mac?
Ever since Mac OSX came out, I understood that the Mac is the dream machine for software developers. It's a UNIX like system with a great GUI built on top of it. But how come then that even after I've owned an iMac for a few months, I find myself hardly doing any development work on it?
I try to do my personal development work on the iMac. And recently I even found it quite nice for developing a Java application that's been in my head for a few years now. But most of the development work I do at home is not Java work, it's web development work. And for that I still find myself behind my trusty old Windows XP laptop.The reason for that is that I do most work through the remote editing feature of WinSCP. For those of you that don't know that program: it provides a Norton Commander style (dual pane) interface, with one pane being the local system and the other a remote system. Like a remote web server. And with a single key press you can open any remote file in a very simple local text editor, make a few changes and then save the file back. Their embedded editor might not be the most feature rich IDE, but it just works, it's there when I need it and apparently it's good enough for me to get the job done with.
But then why doesn't a WinSCP exists for the Mac? I know it's called WinSCP, so it's for Windows. But the Mac must have something similar, right? Well, similar yes... On the Mac there is Fugu, which at first sight seems similar. But it's completely not the same for my case.Fugu doesn't come with a built-in editor and to me that makes a lot of a difference. They chose to integrate with existing editors instead. Which wouldn't be a problem, if they'd actually integrate with the standard OSX editor: TextEdit. But they don't. Instead they offer a whole list of more or lesser known editors, from BBEdit via TextMate to VI and emacs.
Unfortunately I don't have about 75% of the editors Fugu does integrate with. TextMate sounds great, but I haven't bought it yet as I'll need to invest some time to learn to appreciate it. And for the editors that I do have and that Fugu supports, their integration doesn't work. Now if it doesn't work for those editors, do I want to risk installing yet another editor on my system to find out if the integration works there? Well apparently I don't.
While typing this I already noticed that there are of course more options than just Fugu. There's Cyberduck, apparently Krusader also is nice and Disk Order sounds perfect if it would support SCP/SFTP. So I have some options ahead of me. But until I invest the time and find something that works at least as well as WinSCP, my development work on the Mac is limited to Java applications.
--- January 21, 2008 - Frank van Puffelen ---
I might have finally found my WinSCP replacement. Read more about it here.